Germ-Savvy® Heftgeräte

Showing all 21 results
Business Pack: 6 Germ-Savvy® Antibacterial Marlin Metal Staplers & 12 Boxes of 1000 26/6 mm staples – Black
Business Pack: 6 Germ-Savvy® Antibacterial ECO Sting Ray Half Strip Staplers and 6 Boxes of 1000 24/6 mm Staples – Black
Germ-Savvy® Antibacterial ECO HD-100 Heavy Duty Stapler – Black
Germ-Savvy® Antibacterial ECO HD-100 Heavy Duty Stapler – Soft White
Germ-Savvy® Antibacterial ECO HD-100 Heavy Duty Stapler & 2000 x 923/10 mm Staples – Black
Germ-Savvy® Antibacterial ECO HD-100 Heavy Duty Stapler with 2000 x 923/10 mm Staples – Soft White
Germ-Savvy® Antibacterial ECO HD-100 Stapler & Multipack of 3200 Staples Type 923 – Soft White
Germ-Savvy® Antibacterial ECO Less Effort Flat Clinch Stapler & 2000 Staples – Black
Germ-Savvy® Antibacterial ECO Less Effort Flat Clinch Stapler & 2000 Staples – White
Germ-Savvy® Antibacterial ECO Less Effort Stapler & Hole Punch Set – Black
Germ-Savvy® Antibacterial ECO Less Effort Stapler & Hole Punch Set – Charcoal
Germ-Savvy® Antibacterial ECO Sting Ray Half Strip Stapler and 1000 24/6 mm Staples – Soft White
Business Pack: 4 ECO Half Strip Staplers and 4 Boxes of 1000 26/6mm Staples – Black
Germ-Savvy® Antibacterial ECO Sting Ray Half Strip Stapler and 1000 24/6mm Staples – Black
Germ-Savvy® Antibacterial Luna-Less Effort ECO Front Loading Stapler & 2000 Staples – Black
Germ-Savvy® Antibacterial Luna-Less Effort ECO Front Loading Stapler & 2000 Staples – White
Germ-Savvy® Antibacterial Marlin Long Arm Metal Stapler – Black
Germ-Savvy® Antibacterial Marlin Long Arm Metal Stapler & 5000 26/6mm Staples – Black
Germ-Savvy® Antibacterial Marlin Metal Stapler & 2000 26/6mm Staples – Black
Germ-Savvy® Antibacterial Marlin Metal Stapler with R4 Staple Remover & 5000 26/6mm Staples – Black
Germ-Savvy® Antibacterial Sting Ray Half Strip Stapler – Black
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